
My Photography

Vision & Capture

Having a vision of my capture before I click is important: framing in my mind before bringing up the lens gives me an ideal to strive for. I need to build a large visual library in my brain by appreciating other photography, art, documentaries, architecture, performing arts and sculptures.

This surpasses any equipment choice I might have, because practice and knowledge can help me make the best of what I have. That said, I am not an equipment purist and shoot with whatever I come across. Primary equipment are:

Pentax K200D, DA 16-45/4, DA 40/2.8 Limited
Canon EOS M3, EF-M 18-55 IS STM, EF 40/2.8, 270EX II
iPhone, GoPro

I have been shooting with a 40mm prime lens on cropped sensor for the longest time and have grown extremely comfortable with it. Framing lines are in my vision when I see the world. The zooms only see action if I really have to use them, and the flashes almost never leave the house.

I have not been a believer of the mirrorless cameras, but let’s see if the EOS M3 will change my mind on it. I’m constantly fighting the instinct of putting the camera to my eye when I’m taking it out. But the size and weight allows me to pack lighter for long trips.

Workflow & Site

Get it right in the capture device, minimize the need for post-capture edit, and make the image available for consumption as soon as possible. This might mean the images can come across as bare or raw, but I think the tweenty-somethings / Gen-Y call it #nofilter.

On the Pentax, I capture raw files and edit on an iPad via the SD connector. Photogene is a simple and rather versatile app for this purpose, yet priced reasonably. On the Canon, I capture raw+JPEG files and transfer via WiFi to an iPhone – the images almost never see any editing. This camera is rather fickle: it either nails it, or it doesn’t, while the Pentax has more leeway to save borderline shots.

I find the difference in resolution (10 MP vs. 24 MP) to be somewhat minimal. Few applications really require as much detail as a 24 MP sensor can provide, and all it’s been doing is chewing up storage space with 22-24MB per image.

The galleries here also serve to keep personal information out of established social media sites, as the likes of Facebook and Google is doing massive amounts of personal data-mining which you may not like nor be aware of.



All photos seen here are captured by me, and should not be used in-line or off-line in any other media without my prior permission. I appreciate a direct link to the blog post if you want to refer to my images.

Commercial reproduction is subject to legal arrangements. I may be discreetly contacted using this form.

Last updated May 19, 2016.

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